Friday, December 16, 2011

For new booking, Press 1

And that's what I did hoping that there would be hungry Jet Airways call center reps. ready to lap up new business. No Sir. Doesn't work this way in the world of Naresh Agarwal's organization. I heard the automated voice tell me: Please wait, your hold time is approximately 10 minutes. Are you kidding me!!!

No wonder. This is what happens when competition either is minimal or is pretty meek. This being Bhopal-Delhi sector and only other flights being that of Air India, where would someone I am here, using the wait time with my phone on speaker writing a blog and wondering when there would be real competition in India. At least such horrible service levels would go.

"Your call is important, please stay on the line and someone would attend to you shortly" Already heard it 5 times and wondering how many more would come before I surrender my money to Jet Airways and give my regards. Who knows, if I am not polite, whether they would even let me board.

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