Saturday, November 01, 2008

With Obama Elected, A New Phase In My Life Will Start on 5th November

The first polls on 4th November will close at 5:00 Pacific Time. That would be 5:30a.m. on 5th November here in India. In next 3 hours, America would have elected a president it so badly needs after 8 bull headed years of the incumbent. America would be sending a clear message to the world that it is ready to engage again. And hopefully, America would again be providing the leadership that is expected from the most powerful and the biggest economy in the world.

I will be using this auspicious occasion to start a life of my own. While America is electing Obama, I would be busy preparing for the first of several fucntions that will finally culminate into the wedding on 9th November. The function on 5th is called Sangeet and I will be on stage doing some moves myself along with Saumya. The practice has been tough and I even walked out once on the choreographer. But all that is past now. I practiced once, the video is in the camera and I am poised to practice some more. Hopefully, that should save better dancers of the night the embarrasement of being introduced by an awful awful dancer!! Needless to say, this night and other functions to follow would have one star and I would be a kind of side show...but I guess that is ok. I have seen the effort on the bride's side as well as the dresses and there is no way I can match that

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