Sunday, November 22, 2009

Commode Thought!!

While I wonder if I should write about this but my instinct tells me that a lot of people have had this experience. So here it is. I am in a bungalow in Surat where one rest room is kind of common to the place. In some ways, it is also the dedicated room for one of the people living here. So I go in to take a leak. The liquid that I am discharging at a reasonable velocity because of built up pressure is doing something. The guy before me probably did not flush properly or the stickiness of the material was such that the flush could not wash it off completely. So it might have happened that in the morning rush to office, the guy decided to not put extra efforts by putting some mugs of water on the turd patch. Now my liquid with its temperature, content and velocity is slowly washing off the tardiness of the person before me.

Clearly something good is happening....interestingly, not only for general good but for my own reputation as well. Why I say my reputation is because if I walk out with that patch still in the commode, then it might mean to the next person that I did it. There is no way to avoid that suspicion considering how quickly people reach conclusions in this fast world. So my discharge is now doing wonders slowly washing all stains off. For green activist, this is an absolute dream considering what waste they think using a flush is. For others too, its all good. For me, the thought that I have just scribbled down consumes the duration that I am standing in what generally is a relieving but pretty mundane activity.

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