Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why I Have Had Enough of Obama

I was the biggest cheer leader of the current president when he was still a big underdog against a goliath called Hillary Clinton. Despite all odds, he won in Iowa and it was fantastic. Then he lost in New Hampshire against all that polls had to say and the fun had just begun. Then over the next 5 months of hard slog where Hillary tried to do everything to get herself in, he held on quite beautifully. Once the nomination happened, McCain was always going to be easy pickings.

Like a lot of other people, I had high hopes with Obama's presidency. 11 months into it, I am convinced, like so many others, I got infatuated with Obama bandwagon more because I was sick of Bush's and GOP's stupidity then any transformation that Obama would usher. I think problem lies also with my head. Like so many young folks who are leftist in the heart and rightist in the head, you seem to fall over for someone like Obama pretty easily. While the world has drooled over Obama's speeches, like the one in Cairo, I cannot avoid seeing it all from the prism of results. I don't think there should be any other yardstick. Obama has let Russia loose, bent over to the Chinese, let Netanyahu get away with building more settlements, goofed up big time on healthcare, hosted a dumb head beer party to strengthen race relations...list goes on and on. Now the Afghan war which in Obama's words was the "war of necessity" doesn't seem to be the necessity anymore. Suddenly, there are good and bad Taliban. Mr. Obama, I have 4 words for you: Get Your Act Together. Fuck all niceties and style because remember this; one of the most effective American presidents of last 50 years was also the most boring one. And the most exciting of them all took America to Vietnam and screwed up in Bay of Pigs!!!. Let go off your indecision, pick one thing at a time, and fix things up. You have enough political capital as of won't be there tomorrow because there might be more Nobels on your way to make you the biggest laughing stock of the modern world.

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